Friday, January 30, 2009

This is Abie

My furry friend is called Abie... well.. that was not her only name. You see, she has many names, depending on times of the day and which of her human friends you asked. My sister Intan called her Gabby, my mom called her Bie and I like to call her Kelubi when she's being naughty, which is what she's been doing all the time.

She is 4 months old now and unfortunately has some problems with lices/fleas.. whatever you want to call it. I think those parasites were transferred to her from her mum that got them from other stray cats that she mingled with. Since the problem is getting worse, i decided to get the fleas drop from a nearby pet shop and thank goodness that works. In a matter of few days, the fleas seems to have deserted her and I only apply a few drop on Abie's neck. And now she's a happy kitty...

Thsi photo was taken during my recent trip back home in December. As it was a raining season, she took the opportunity to snuggle up and claim her righty spot on my bed. And she slept all the way from morning till two in the noon.

She does not tolerate others who disturb her sleep. A strong MEOWW from this princess will surely make you think twice .. and she bites too! Only if you bother her :)

1 comment:

Nursyawalina Sulong said...

tak sabar nak buy kamera..huhuhu,..nak letak gmbr dlm blog..skang ni tak leh tulis blog lagi...waaaa..hp dgn cik bok