Monday, May 22, 2006

He is still young...

Parkas was laid to rest on 11.30am yesterday. Mama, abah and Shida attended the funeral. They saw his wife and their seven-month old baby. None of us realized that they already have a baby.

According to Mama, Parkas was on his way back from Nilai to KL on bike. About 1-km from his house, he tried to overtake 6-army trucks but he was hit by a car on the opposite lane while overtaking the last truck. Due to the impact, he hit the lside of the truck and snap his neck and died at the scene.

Nobody seems to understand why he tried to overtake 6-trucks while riding up the hill. It was a silly thing to do but that was what happened. The army guy take care of everything and bring his body back to Kelantan. Aside from minor cut, his body looks normal.

It was a sad thing. He is so young but I think Allah loves him more than any of us. I pray that he'll be happy in heaven... Aminnnnn.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Parkas passed away

This morning, dad called to inform that Parkas, our relatives died in accident in KL. At this point of time, the body is still on the way back to Kelantan for burial.

I’ve just knew this guy for the past few years. Although he is our closed relative, I did not have any recollection of him before this. After he graduated and become a quantity surveyor, he always joined his family whenever they visit us. The last time I saw him was during the Hari Raya celebration when I joined my parents visiting them. I remembered that he commented about my car and asked quite a number of questions about it.

If I’m not mistaken, there have been several death-related accidents in their family. The last two was his brother and his brother in law. I don’t know, maybe it is fate, but it makes me think why….

Whatever it is, I pray for his happiness in the afterlife and AlFatihah to him.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My mom…

1) Is my buddy
2) Taught me that live is tough and not to wallow in self pity
3) Stand by my side when I was sick and told me to be strong
4) Comforted me whenever I’m down and is my true confidant
5) Shares my loves and laughter and sometimes my tantrum and tears
6) Told me to believe and be proud of myself

Thank you for all the loves and prayers that you shower me. I know that I’m blessed with your passion and warmth and there is no word that can truly describe my love for you. I just want to say: Ma, Kakak, Angah, Kak Chik, Shida, Intan, Surah and Syahir love you very much. Happy Mother’s Day.

Poor bat

Look at thus poor bat. It stuck on the front grill of my car. I saw it yesterday when I went out for shopping. I would have tried to save it had I see it earlier. This was the second time a flying creature stuck in that grill. Previously, it was a small bird and I’d managed to save it. This time, no luck for that poor bat.

My first ticket

I got my first ticket on Saturday in Terengganu for “overtaking on the long white line”. Well, actually it was not really it. I was overtaking the lorry after trying unsuccessfully for about 20 minutes. When I was doing it, I was still on the dotted line but by the time I crossed the lorry, I ended up on the double line. And there was the traffic police sitting under the hut. I knew what’s going to happen next.

He waived me over and I stopped. Well, what more can I say. I’ve got a ticket. I felt nothing but slightly irritated because of the whole situation. I did not say much and just let him does his work. I thought he’s going to say “I’ll give you a ticket because of speeding”. Thank God, it was just one offence else dad will give his sermon.

What a day… One ticket and I’m RM200 poorer. Hopefully this is last one.

Satey Ikan

This is one of our childhood foods that we always crave. We used to save our pocket money each week just to buy the satey from the pakcik.

It is actually just like ball of fish paste baked and served with hot or sweet sauce. I think, when the pakcik made it, he only put very small percentage of fish paste, the rest are just sago flour and bicarbonate soda.

I can say that it is a junk food but it is so addictive. Even the ‘sauce’ is not really sauce. It looks thick because of a lot of corn flour. It looks red not really because of the chilies but more to the contribution of red food coloring.

I know.. I know. Mom and dad does not approve it, but we always sneak to buy it. At 10 cent a stick, it was a steal for us when we were kid. Even now, mom still doesn’t understand why we have to have it every time we come back to Kelantan.

Another trip home…

It’s been a nice long weekend for our family especially for mom and dad. With almost all of us came home, the cheerful mood is surely on their side. Intan cannot make it home due to her ‘packed’ weekend, training for the Teacher’s Day performance in PWTC.

It all started with Angah taking his long awaited holiday. I’d contacted K Chik and we devised our little plan to come home. Neither Shida and dad realized it but mom sort of expecting us. Yeah… you know it, mother’s instinct.

I don’t have much money in my pocket. It was just enough for the petrol but I don’t care. This opportunity is too good to be missed. We went to visit Tok Ayah and I was really touched to see Angah met Tok Ayah again after about one year. The whole moment seem to freeze.

We have impromptu barbeque and satey ikan. We bought fifty sticks of the satey and eat it at one go.

Seeing mom so happy just ache me to return to Penang but life has to go on. Hopefully, all of us can be together again soon.

Monday, May 01, 2006

This is me..

I am… “Independent, nature-loving, adventurous and young at heart”

I enjoy … “traveling to new places, seeing new sights, meeting new people, experiencing new culture and reading”

I can’t do a day without… “Music and reading”

I wish I knew… “How to power dress and do make up”

I admire people … “People with guts to follow their dream”

I wish … “I have more money so that I can buy lots of cool thing for my family”

I’m looking for… “A way to safe guard my future and ensuring that I’m financially independent”

Not again..

Changes, bad or good is part of life. Whether you like it or not, it will happen. Here, I am listening to my boss rambling on the new organizational changes that will take place. Again?? Maybe there is something good this time.

So, how does it affect me? I’m not sure yet but I hope it will be good. I don’t give a damn as long as I’m happy.