Monday, May 22, 2006

He is still young...

Parkas was laid to rest on 11.30am yesterday. Mama, abah and Shida attended the funeral. They saw his wife and their seven-month old baby. None of us realized that they already have a baby.

According to Mama, Parkas was on his way back from Nilai to KL on bike. About 1-km from his house, he tried to overtake 6-army trucks but he was hit by a car on the opposite lane while overtaking the last truck. Due to the impact, he hit the lside of the truck and snap his neck and died at the scene.

Nobody seems to understand why he tried to overtake 6-trucks while riding up the hill. It was a silly thing to do but that was what happened. The army guy take care of everything and bring his body back to Kelantan. Aside from minor cut, his body looks normal.

It was a sad thing. He is so young but I think Allah loves him more than any of us. I pray that he'll be happy in heaven... Aminnnnn.

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