Thursday, October 27, 2005

Balik Kampung exodus

Tomorrow or as early as tonight there will be a stream of motorists on the road heading towards their destinations for the balik kampong trip and I will be one of them. The highways, federal and state roads will be packed with people like me and there will also be lots of traffic officers monitoring the hotspots.

I read from the news that those who’s slapped by ticket(s) will have to pay on the spot. I hope that I’m not one of them. Ops Sikap IX has already started today and I’d seen a number of the white uniforms on the road. Penang roads are beginning to feel congested as people started coming back from all over the place for the Deepavali and Hari Raya festivities. The island is expecting an influx of at least
100,000 cars within this period. And that my friend is not good.

My to do list for the car today:
1) Check the tires and fill in the gas. Don’t want to have to queue for the pump tonight.
2) Check the coolant and the water level for the wiper
3) Put some RainAct on my screens – in case of rain
4) Check the engine oil
5) Double check my spare tyre

I hope I’d covered everything, It is bad that I don’t have time to send the car for its badly needed service as I’ve been swarmed by work for these past few days but I promise myself to send it to the service center when I come back.

It will be fun to join in the millions of Malaysian in the frenzied balik kampung rush this weekend. Having said that, it is also a good time to remind myself that death takes no holiday and I have to be extremely careful on the road.

With the homecoming of city dwellers to Kelantan, I’d expect the price of goods to increase. Damn, there’s no way for me to bargain the price this time around. I need to get some stuff for my friend’s engagement ceremony and also for the newborn Santino. Hmmm… I wonder what I should be getting them. As a hopeless shopper I’ll need the helps of my sisters to do this. Anyway, that’s aside. Let’s explore the magical mystery of Syawal.

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